Be a Better Speaker?

I used to be very confident in my ability to deliver a speech. I could even take an opportunity when I was asked to conduct my speech on the spot. I didn't need to have significant amount of preparation in order to be a speaker.

Recently, I figured out that It is not true anymore. COVID-19 had punched me in a hard way. I had to convert any lecture that I had into online sessions. Not really sure what was the difference, but I don't like my performance when I did the online teaching.  Many times I trapped in using the same words again and again. Even worse, I sometimes forget everything. I've never seen myself as bad as this before.

What could be the difference? What am I so bad nowadays? As always,  interesting questions should lead to an interesting answers. One of the answer was the fact that I used to deliver my speech in my native language. There were no language barriers. I could say anything I wanted to say without even thinking. But now, I kind of need to translate the language first on my brain processor. This extra layer need to be removed.

But didn't I teach the offline class in English too? How come I didn't have this kind of issue before? I guess this is very interesting question as I don't have the answer now yet.  The good news is that I know where to start to find out the answer.


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