A few minutes before midnight
Today is the 1st of Ramadan and It is very close to the middle of the night. I should go to sleep, but I'm not sleepy yet. My body clock is still configured to the regular days. Need to adapt it with a new rhythm as I need to wake up very early this month.
I had a good jogging this afternoon, just a while before I break my fasting. For some reasons, I'm feeling fresher after sport, instead of tired. It makes more difficult for me to force myself to go to bed earlier.
Writing this blog in the middle of the night is actually purposed to make me tired. If the theory works, it could help me to solve the other problem, i.e: changing my sleeping time. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. I'm still feeling fresh, despite of not knowing what to write on this blog.
Luckily, It was not the only reason I'm writing this blog now. The more important reason is that I'm forcing myself to improve my skill of storytelling. I believe that improvement can be gained by practicing.
A speaker from a Youtube channel inspired me that every human like stories. He also said that by genetic, human are storytellers. However, I don't really get what is required to be a good storyteller. The talk was actually about public speaking. He talked more about how to be brave, while I don't think I have a problem with that.
I don't usually tell story, even in small group nor with people that I'm comfortable with. Not because I'm afraid. Only because I don't have any idea of what story will be interesting to be told.
So my next question is, how to find an interesting story? Of course I don't know the answer yet. But as usual, a good question can be a good point to start.
I had a good jogging this afternoon, just a while before I break my fasting. For some reasons, I'm feeling fresher after sport, instead of tired. It makes more difficult for me to force myself to go to bed earlier.
Writing this blog in the middle of the night is actually purposed to make me tired. If the theory works, it could help me to solve the other problem, i.e: changing my sleeping time. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. I'm still feeling fresh, despite of not knowing what to write on this blog.
Luckily, It was not the only reason I'm writing this blog now. The more important reason is that I'm forcing myself to improve my skill of storytelling. I believe that improvement can be gained by practicing.
A speaker from a Youtube channel inspired me that every human like stories. He also said that by genetic, human are storytellers. However, I don't really get what is required to be a good storyteller. The talk was actually about public speaking. He talked more about how to be brave, while I don't think I have a problem with that.
I don't usually tell story, even in small group nor with people that I'm comfortable with. Not because I'm afraid. Only because I don't have any idea of what story will be interesting to be told.
So my next question is, how to find an interesting story? Of course I don't know the answer yet. But as usual, a good question can be a good point to start.
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