I want to go to school !

Pagi itu si Cantik ditingal Bundanya dan tak berangkat sekolah karena dia tidak mau pakai baju sekolah sementara kakak dan adiknya tak bisa lagi menunggu tanpa kepastian.

Aku tentu saja terkena imbasnya sehingga tidak bisa berangkat ke kantor. Aku tak bisa meninggalkan Si Cantik sendirian di rumah, apalagi dia dalam keadaan galau karena dia ingin berangkat ke sekolah dan tidak mau ditinggal di rumah.

"I want to go to school !! I want to go to school !!", demikian jeritnya sambil menangis.
"If you did, why didn't you get yourself ready? Bunda and your brothers couldn't wait anymore. Otherwise they would be late.", timpalku

"I don't like this pants. I want the other one, but Bunda put it on dirty clothes", balas si Cantik.
"Well, why are you saying that now? I offered you a help before, but you didn't say anything. Now it's too late. They have left already.", balasku lagi

Sebelumnya memang aku sudah mencoba menanyakan apa masalahnya mengapa dia tak mau pakai baju sekolah. Namun dia tak menjawab sepatah katapun sampai akhirnya ditinggal oleh Bundanya.

"You need to say what you want, Sweetheart. Otherwise, nobody can guess what you want. We don't have a crystal ball. You need to communicate what you want", sambungku lagi.

Si Cantik menjerit lagi,"But I want to go to school ! I want to go to school !"

"Bunda left already. This is the fact that you can't change, Sweetheart. You need to focus of what you can do, not what should be happening in the past.", jawabku

"You have two options now. One, you stay at home. Second, you go to school but you will arrive very late.", sambungku lagi.

"I want to go to school, because I have to submit my homework today, Ayah. But I don't want to be late in the school. I've never been late before", balas si Cantik sambil terisak-isak

"Well, I know that both options are not perfect. But this is life, Sweetheart. Sometimes all options that you have are not good, but you have to decide one from them.", timpalku

"I don't want to choose, Ayah. I don't want to choose !!!", jawab si Cantik sambil menjerit2 lagi.

"Even you don't choose anything, you will still have one of them. For example, if you keep crying and not deciding anything, you will have to face the fact that you are at home.", kataku untuk menyadarkannya bahwa tidak memilih itu juga ada konsekwensinya.

"Look at me. I'm not going to the office now because I have to stay at home with you. This is not something that I like. I actually have to go to the office. I will have an important meeting in the office today but because you are home then I have to stay home with you", sambungku untuk makin menyadarkannya bahwa dalam hidup kadang pilihan yang ada itu tidak bagus tapi kita tetap harus memilih.

"I want to go to school, but I don't want to be late, Ayah. I've never been late before", kata si Cantik.

Dari sini aku mulai mendapat petunjuk bahwa dia sebenrnya ingin sekolah, namun dia takut karena belum punya pengalaman bagaimana rasanya terlambat di sekolah. Apalagi dia akan terlambat 2 jam jika dia tetap berangkat.
Maka aku memutuskan untuk memberi dukungan kepadanya bahwa datang terlambat di sekolah itu tak apa-apa.

"Sweetheart, when I was a kid. I arrived late in the school everyday because I used to wake up late and I had to go to the school by myself. But I could still handle it. This will be your first experience to arrive late in the school. But it's probably not that bad", jawabku sambil tersenyum

Tentu saja dia tak begitu saja menerima segala ceritaku dan tetap berteriak-teriak,"I don't want to choose, Ayah ! I don't want to choose ! I don't want to talk to you"

Ya sudah, aku tinggal di di kamar dan memberinya kesempatan untuk berpikir sambil menunggu Bundanya pulang dari sekolah agar kemudian aku bisa berangkat ke kantor, walau tentu saja akan terlambat.

Setelah Bundanya pulang, akhirnya aku bisa berangkat juga ke kantor.

Dan kemudian aku menerima kabar bahwa Si Cantik akhirnya memutuskan untuk sekolah dan dengan begitu percaya diri berjalan sendiri ke kelasnya setelah diantar Bundanya sampai ke receptionist.

Semoga pelajaran di pagi itu bisa berguna baginya kelak bahwa,
(1) Komunikasi itu penting. Nobody has a crystal ball. Tell others what you want
(2) Leave the past, focus on what can be done.
(3) Life is not perfect, but we have to choose the one that we like the most

Mungkin pelajaran itu bukan hanya buat dia, tapi buatku sendiri juga.
Ngasih nasehat mah gampang. Tapi kalau mengalami sendiri, kadang2 aku juga suka lupa soalnya


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